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Why Liquid Drain Cleaners Are Harmful To Your Plumbing System

Home » Why Liquid Drain Cleaners Are Harmful To Your Plumbing System

You have probably heard various advertisements over the years about liquid drain cleaners and how they can help to clean out clogs in your plumbing system. These cleaners sound like the perfect solutions for taking care of your plumbing issues but the truth is that they are actually dangerous. They could do more to harm spaces around your home than actually help. Therefore, you need to watch for how well you are getting support from a talented plumber.

Acids Are Common

One major reason why liquid drain cleaners are harmful comes from how they contain dangerous acids. These include muriatic and sulfuric acids.

Such acids can cause organic wastes inside your pipes to break down. But even more importantly, they can cause some of the materials in the pipes themselves to weaken and break down. They can weaken your plumbing system after a while.

Caustic base acids like bleach or lye may be used in some of these products too. These can produce difficult fumes and continue to weaken your plumbing system.

Serious Threats To Your Health

Many of these liquid plumbing cleaners can also be dangerous to your health. They often contain harmful chemicals that can irritate your skin and produce odors that are dangerous to your body when inhaled. They may cause breathing difficulties in many cases.

Harm Other Surfaces

Liquid cleaners can also harm the surfaces of a tub, toilet, sink or another area that you plan on using them on. A cleaner can stain the surface or weaken its outside parts.

What About Under the Floors?

Sometimes you might have to take care of clogs in pipes that are under your floors. Liquid cleaners can cause pipes to weaken and impact some of the anchors and other items that might have to be treated well. This could impact your floors as they might struggle under the weight of whatever is on top of them. This is a significant threat that could harm your space if it is not handled properly. You must ensure that the spots under your floors are treated well and will not be at risk of wearing out quickly.

Contact a Plumber For Help

You must get in touch with a plumber for help with handling clogs in your plumbing system. A plumber’s services are just better to hire than just using a liquid cleaner as a plumber will have the proper tools needed to resolve clogs before they can become worse. A plumber will especially work to clean out items with proper compounds based on the clogs that must be treated. More importantly, you must especially ensure that the plumbing materials are fixed up right.

A plumber’s services will always help you with keeping your clogs under control. This is much better than using a liquid cleaner that might sound great but will only end up doing more harm to your plumbing solution.

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