Aeroseal Duct Sealing Dallas and Fort Worth Texas
If you use a central air conditioning system in your home, then you know how essential ductwork is to the performance and function of your AC.
One of the biggest problems with ductwork is that it often develops cracks and leaks that allow air to escape before it hits the air filters. As a result, your home may be increasingly dusty and your bills may be trending upward. Sounds pretty hopeless, right?
Luckily, the HVAC industry continues to evolve with new advancements, and one of the newest innovations is Aeroseal, a service Dallas Plumbing & Air Conditioning is proud to provide.

What is Aeroseal?
If you use a central air conditioning system in your home, then you know how essential ductwork is to the performance and function of your AC. One little problem with the ductwork and your entire unit will begin to malfunction.
Better AC Performance
With the help of Aeroseal, the air produced by the air conditioner will travel appropriately through the ductwork and the air filters. As a result, it can provide the desired temperatures at a much higher efficiency rate. This will help you conserve energy and have a smaller environmental impact.

Consistent Temperatures
Having consistent temperatures throughout the house is nice, isn’t it? With Aeroseal, this is far more of a possibility because it helps distribute the air evenly throughout the home with less chance of it escaping through cracks and holes.
Improved Indoor Air Quality
When there are cracks and holes in the ductwork, the air will escape and infiltrate your house. Because that air didn’t get the chance to be cleaned, you will experience a large amount of dust in the air. This will lead to adverse health symptoms like allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions.

Save on Energy Bills
Aeroseal improves AC performance, consistency, and airflow. As a result, it will use far less energy to cool your home, saving you significantly on energy bills in the long run.
Benefits of Investing in Aeroseal
Aeroseal is an investment and we’re often asked why it’s worth the cost. To answer this question, let’s look at the top four benefits of investing in Aeroseal.
Source: Comfort Institute. Based on Department of Energy Research and FL Energy Office Research Report: FSEC-CR-397-91 Degradation above is typical. Impact is up to 50% greater on AC performance if return air leakage is from a hot attic or attached garage. Impact is typically 50% to 100% greater on winter heating performance of a heat pump with electric resistance auxiliary heat.
Does My Home Need Aeroseal Duct Sealing?
As you consider whether this service is truly needed in your home, ask yourself these questions about the state of your home:
- Do you have a constant musty odor in your home?
- When your HVAC system is running, does your house become dusty very quickly?
- Even at its highest temperature, what parts of your house don’t get warm?
- Is it becoming more expensive to heat and cool your home?
Your answers to these questions will help guide your decision and next steps. When you contact us for Aeroseal service, our technicians will conduct a thorough assessment of your ductwork and AC function to provide you with expert recommendations.
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For over 120 years, we’ve been serving residential customers in Dallas, Collin, and Tarrant County. Call our experienced plumbing and HVAC technicians.