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How To Change A Garbage Disposal

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Every home owner who has a garbage disposal will probably have to replace it at some time. It will save you money and other hassles replacing your garbage disposal if you do it yourself. This is because in most cases hiring a plumber to replace a garbage disposal is inconvenient and expensive. You find that replacing a garbage disposal is quite simple and you only need the common tools to do it. More so, this gives you a chance to shine and save money that you could have paid for those services. This piece is going to give tips and other important insights on how to replace a garbage disposal.

How to Replace a Garbage Disposal?

The first thing when you want to replace your garbage disposal is check and see the model, make as well as the horsepower of the existing garbage disposal. You can get this information on the data plate of your disposal. It is important because these details will come in handy while getting a new garbage disposal. If you can get the same model, make and with similar horsepower, everything will line up easily. If the unit you are looking for is no longer available, then your local home improvement dealer will probably suggest another substitute for you or you can go online and do your research to get this information as well.

Secondly, remove everything that is under the sink of your garbage disposal to give you room to work. More so, this will allow to check and see how the plumbing is done or configured. Most of us don’t have a photographic memory and I would suggest that you take a photo before you open up anything of how your disposal is hooked. This will be essential if you forget what goes where while putting a new disposal in place. I know you have heard this phrase a picture talks a thousand words, if you take a picture, you will probably understand this phrase.

Thirdly, take with you the information that you took in the picture to your home improvement dealer. If the dealer gets the picture of the configuration of your old disposal, the dealer will give you tips that will help you during replacing of your new garbage disposal, as well as the other things you will need.

Fourth, when you purchase a new garbage disposal you will find that most of them come with instructions. If you will need a special wrench during installation, it will probably be in the packaging. In most cases, a wrench is included to allow you to turn the disposal manually if it is jammed. Don’t keep this in a place out of reach because you might need it in future for repair purposes.

When you have a new disposal, a template of instruction on how to install it by yourself then the rest falls into place easily. To make things simpler always remember the basic home plumbing tips and rules. Plan on what you want to do, ask as many questions as possible, follow the instructions closely and work your plan. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Good luck.

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