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Components of an HVAC System

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Heating and Air conditioning have become an essential requirement in our homes today. We should install this system to keep the temperatures at our home favorable and conducive. However, to ensure that these systems work efficiently one needs to understand how they operate and what their components are.

The weather changes drastically over the year. During summer the temperature tends to be too hot and very cold during winter. With HVAC systems you can be able to maintain the temperatures to accommodating levels. These are some of the components that are inbuilt in the HVAC systems that you need to know to help you manage your systems to avoid costly breakdowns that may happen from time to time.



The furnace is one of the main components of the HVAC system. It helps with electricity or fuel into useful heat. It’s usually situated at the bottom of the system to enable warming of the air that passes through it. The air that is warmed and passed through the pipes duct into the rooms that you want to heat.

Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger is positioned just next to the furnace. It’s made up of the metal steel plate. Its main function is to transfer the heat within the system. After the burner is turned on it converts the electric energy into heat. Afterwards, it passes the warm air to flow through it.

Evaporator Coil

The main work of the evaporator coil is to create the cooling factor of the system. It is positioned next to the furnace. When the AC is on and running, the evaporator condenses the air from the outdoor and absorbs the heat from the air. The cooler condenses the humidity from the air and makes it cooler and directs it down to the ducts and into the rooms.

Condensing Unit

The condensing unit is usually fitted outside the home. It is insulated with aluminum foils. The cooler air from the outside is cooled by the evaporator coil and flows it out of the compressor unit. Cool air from the refrigerator turns into the liquid, and it is condensed to increase the pressure from the outside unit and into to ducts directing it into the rooms.

Refrigerant Lines

These refer to the aluminum tubes that dispatch refrigerant from the outside condensing unit to the indoor built evaporating coils. These lines ensure that the cool air is passed to the right indoor destination.


These ducts are also made up of metal sheets and fiberglass which usually appears to look like wired frames. They are cooled through the houses ceiling or the walls to pass the cool or heated air from the furnace or the air conditioner.


These refer to the points which allow air into the rooms. They are usually connected to the floors or walls and sometimes in ceilings. Supply registers deliver cool or warm air while the return vents draw air in the room back to the home HVAC system for it to be re-cooled or re-heated.


This is the component that controls the operation of the HVAC system. The programmable thermostats are usually set to maintain different temperatures at different times of the day and all the days of the week while the simple mechanical ones are set and maintain a specific temperature throughout

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